About the Journal

TransAmerica Review (TAR)ISSN: 2997-0350, is an interdisciplinary, biannual, and peer-reviewed digital scientific journal published entirely in full Open-Access.

By disseminating high-quality original research articles, the journal explores and discusses the organization of society, politics, and economics across the TransAmerica (in the continental sense) countries.

Therefore, the focus and scope of the journal hover over the applied social sciences and humanities.

Social Sciences

  • Anthropology (where it intersects with a humanities or social science focus)
  • Economics (with a strong emphasis on non-econometric or mixed-methods and critical approaches).
  • Political Geography (where it intersects with a humanities or social science focus)
  • Politics (international relations, comparative politics)
  • Regional & Area Studies
  • Sociology (comparative, political, cultural, economic, social conflict)
  • Business and Management (with a strong emphasis on local realities of the different American regions).


  • History (social, political, cultural, conceptual)
  • Media Studies (where it intersects with a strong humanities or social science focus)
  • Political Philosophy
  • Society & Culture

We interpret TransAmerica as encompassing the entirety of the American continent, covering its geographical divisions (North, Central, South, and the Caribbean).

Hence, we encourage submissions addressing pertinent issues spanning these regions, fostering an academic exchange across the entire American continent, as well as researchers addressing these topics from other global locations. In a few words, we can say that TransAmerica Review is projected as a North-South American epistemological bridge.


Other pieces of information about TransAmerica Review:

  • Frequency: Biannual (1 Volume with 2 issues per year)
  • Language of publication: English
  • Peer review: The journal undergoes double-blind peer review and plagiarism analysis.
  • Articles per issue: maximum of 15, and minimum of 5 for each published issue.
  • Costs and APC: The journal DOES NOT CHARGE any fees; submission, review, and publication of articles are completely free of charge. Additionally, the journal publishes its content in 100% full open access, meaning there are no costs for the reader and immediate availability.
  • License and Copyright: our publications are licensed with Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 Internacional.

The journal strictly adheres to international standards of high-quality publishing, following guidelines such as COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics) and Elsevier's Ethics Toolkit.


TransAmerica Review is edited by Penrose Social and Applied Research Hub (USA).