Factors that influence the behavioral intention of customers toward online food delivery service
Online food delivery services, consumer behavioral intent, brand trust, time-saving benefits, food safety risk perception.Abstract
Many studies focus on components that influence consumers' behavioral intent to acquire an online food delivery service rather than those responsible for determining consumers' online behavioral intent to purchase service providers. Therefore, this study aims to identify such factors and assess the impact on the behavioral intention toward OFDs according to the consumer's point of view. Findings are supported by the explanatory approach and the quantitative research technique and were collected via a questionnaire accessible through a Google Form. Costumers living in Tallinn, Estonia, were polled using a non-probability sample approach, and 137 responses were received. Trust demonstrates the highest impact of 30.8% on the intention of using OFD service by customers, followed by time-saving benefits (21.0%), perceived ease of use (15.2%), and perceived usefulness (14.5%). Price-saving benefits and food safety risk perception are insignificant statistically, and the study assumptions are rejected. The study suggested that customers' intentions to use Online food delivery services must be tailored to their preferences and perceptions of the product's intrinsic and extrinsic worth and quality. Service providers must become more alert and efficient to keep everything safe and confidential. A secure system for sharing information should be implemented if at all practicable.
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